This is the joy of the Lord! The "wark" is the joy!
Hang with me! There is great hope in this but first ....
John 16:11
Judgement will come because the ruler of the world has already been judged.
I talked about "the prophetic timeline" in a podcast I did in 2021 called "Seeing America." The Lord led me to read John 16:11 (above) yesterday. I had really stopped everything and pressed in for America in my hotel room. In that podcast, I explained that when a prophetic word is released, we sometimes think that it is going to happen right now! But in my experience, it's more like it is set into motion right now, and then echos out over a looooong period of time. There are so many examples of this in the Word of God. So, when I asked the Lord why he was bringing me back to this verse again (because He has several times over the last few years) He answered,
"On that prophetic timeline you talk about in Seeing America, all who align with the ruler of the world come under that same judgement which is still echoing out through the timeline. (Just like what some Scientist call "The Big Bang" and how it was set into motion.) This is HARSH judgement that is already set into motion and cannot be eased up, changed, or turned back. The only way out is OUT! of the enemy's camp and IN to the Kingdom of God which they are not interested in at all! They are all about "saving face." So be it. There is nothing I, the Lord, am going to do with that choice. My children are different. They sincerely search, ask, and even dig and cry out, and are willing to humbly study and learn how to walk in My truth. They only want to ride the coattails of the blessings that are upon my children without doing any of that themselves.
Then the Lord led me to
1 Samuel 8
For they are not rejecting you, but they are rejecting Me. Ever since I brought them out of Egypt, they have continually abandoned Me and followed other gods. (So give them what they want!)
I believe the Lord in no uncertain terms is showing me that we have to remember, as we see what all is about to happen in our world, that this is the condition it is in - by choice, as hard as it will be to watch the judgement already set into motion. The Lord then took me to
Daniel 9
Daniel learned from reading the word of the Lord as revealed to Jeremiah the Prophet that Israel would be forced to stay in captivity (for a very long time.)
Daniel pleaded on behalf of the people. "Lord you are in the right, but pleeeeeeaaase, have mercy on us!"
I have been in tears at times driving down this highway, pleading for the people of America just like Daniel did here. But I believe the Lord is saying to me, "Get ready to accept this, as hard as will be to watch."
Daniel goes on and says, "We have refused to turn from our sins and obey you!"
The Ten Days of Awe is a time to reflect and repent, and I know the Lord timed this trip this way because I didn't even realize it was going to land during the Ten days of Awe. In this time, I have repented on a whole new level about how I have held back and watered down what I truly believe for the sake of people pleasing, and in the name of "relevant ministry." I have refused to obey him in this over and over! I have been through two marriages where I have done this in the name of going along to get along in efforts to save the marriage - in both cases. I'll share a shocking insight regarding this later, but I simply have to make my choice once and for all in this, and never ever water down the truth of God's ways in the future.
The Lord says to Daniel "So now, the solemn curses have been poured down."
The solemn - the curses that were set into motion when the ruler of this earth was judged - he is already judged, and this cannot be stopped -it's solemn!
Daniel realizes and pleads, "Oh Lord our God you brought great honor to your name by rescuing us in a GREAT DISPLAY OF POWER but we have sinned and are full of wickedness.
This is just like us in America. This land was given for freedom but we have chosen over and over to spit in the face of His ways and His great grace and mercy!
Then the angel Gabriel comes and declares that the moment Daniel started praying, a judgement got set into motion. (70 sets of 7 plus 62 sets of 7) and the angel goes on to say "The end will come with floods, and war and its miseries are decreed from that time to the end."
Whether or not we want to think of it all this way, I think all of us know that this is where we are on the "end times timeline" - another thing the Lord has been speaking to me about. He shows me that we are in a crucial time on the "end times timeline."
It is October and all down U.S. Highway 83, I have watched the fields being harvested. Hours and hours of driving through harvest time has been quite a prophetic sight. The Lord had me picture this judgment that has already been set into motion like billions of astroids of destruction and misery blowing through our world, and the only way to get out of that is to GET OUT OF THAT and RETURN TO LOVE! We are in a time where such misery is going to be allowed by God that people are going to want to GET OUT OF THAT and RETURN TO LOVE. This is where the "Wark" comes in, and this IS the JOY OF THE LORD - THE WARK IS THE JOY! This is a harvest time like we have never seen before! While harvest happens in the spirit and in the natural realm every year, over and over, this is A WHOLE NEW LEVEL and we will be like me driving down highway 83 setting my eyes on more harvest than I've ever seen. If you are not committed to the "Wark" you will miss it, but those who will see it. We will be shouting "I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE! HARVEST EVERYWHERE I LOOK!!!! HALLELUJAH! OH I'M SO EXCITED FOR IT!!
Be blessed fellow warkers! ... Now, back to WARK!
Love to all,